At-Home Days & Tutoring

Students complete assignments for their GCA classes during at-home days.

Work will be assigned for these days and should be scheduled in a way that it is completed prior to the next class for that subject. Some tasks will require a parent signature that it was completed (memory work) while others will have to be submitted via email, picture, or physical copy at the next class.

Families can plan additional areas of study or independent pursuits.

Field trips are scheduled once per month on either a Tuesday or Friday.


Weekly amount of time spent completing assignments at home for students enrolled 3 days per week.

Kindergarten 4 – 6 hours

1st-2nd grade 5 – 7 hours

3rd-4th grade 7-10 hours

5th-6th grade 7-11 hours

7th-8th grade 8-11.5 hours

9th-12th grade 11-16 hours

Parent's Role

Grammar Stage - Co-Teacher

Logic Stage - Assistant/Tutor

Rhetoric Stage - Overseer

Tutorial Days

Students complete assignment given by GCA teachers with staff at GCA on non-class days. These days are shorter than a full school day (8:45 AM- 1:00 PM) and will only run if a minimum of six (6) students are interested.

The cost is $800 for 1 day for the duration of the school year or $1600 for 2 days for the duration of the school year. If more students sign up, the cost can be lowered. Some families have been able to make private arrangements and they are willing to share their experience.