Educational Philosophy
Lindsey Hames, Director
“It has been so exciting to see the way the Lord has put this school together. I have been blessed to be in full time ministry from the time that the Lord saved me, up until this past year and a half. Working in a Christian school in Bangor, Maine really opened my eyes to the importance of children having a Christian education. It was such a joy to be able to share about the power of God and to really have a hope to offer children. When the Lord moved our family back to New Jersey in 2015 it was a big change for me in regard to ministry. I became a stay at home mom to my son Maverick. As I watched the Lord unfold His plan for the school I was blown away by His timing. I'm so excited to see what God is going to do in and through Grace Christian Academy!”
Suzanne Sweeney, Business Administrator
Teachers & Staff
Teachers are cooperating with parents! GCA Students are homeschool students in NJ and parents are their primary teacher/overseer but engaging with GCA for direct instruction, assignments, curriculum planning, and community
Harry Pressley (Pastor, Apologetics, Carpentry)
Tara Genay (Office Administrator)
"When Calvary Chapel South Jersey was located in Bellmawr and Pastor Harry mentioned the potential purchase of a new building that would also present an opportunity to start a school, my husband and I immediately started praying. It has always been our desire to have an affordable christian education for our children and to know it comes from our home church was an absolute bonus! After our first information session, it was clear that our children would attend Grace Christian Academy. We signed up that very night! We went home and shared the news with our children and they were beyond excited to start. They actually wanted to leave their current school and finish the rest of the year at GCA but we explained the school year wasn't going to start until September 2017. Their passion to start immediately truly confirmed our being a part of GCA.
This was just the beginning of a beautiful journey for our family. After the first day of school was over, our daughter walked out with the biggest smile on her face and said, "Mom, this was my best first day ever!" My eyes filled with tears as we were witnessing the amazing work the Lord has created for our children and it all started with putting all of our trust in Him. The time I get to be home with them and invest in their education has truly opened my heart to the passion I have to be more involved with the school. Praying about where I could be used, the opportunity to teach the preschool class crossed my path and everything just fell into place and I knew this was all the Lord! I started teaching GCA preschool in January of 2018 and it fills my heart daily. My prayer is for the Lord to use me to love, guide, worship and glorify Him in all that we do.
GCA has become our extended family and I couldn't be happier to serve and glorify Him. "
Paula Smith (Pre-School 3)
Olivia Bealor (classroom aide and permanent substitute)
Nicole Shipley (Kindergarten)
Sally Saunders (1st grade)
Clare Buniak (3rd/4th Grade)
Andrea Martin (5th/6th grade, Art)
Jared Racilla (7th/8th grade, High School)
Jennifer Ammerman (Latin, High School, Science)
Sylvia Gruber (HS Biology)
Bill Grabow (Algebra 1 and Geometry)
Becky Flanigan (History)
"I am confident God will shed his light upon our school for many families. I am very proud and excited to embark on this exciting journey. The most important asset that I have is being a Mom. Raising three boys has been a rewarding adventure and at times difficult. It has given me a greater understanding of the individual needs that children have. My children’s education is one of the most important things to me. I was blessed to have received a Christian education from sixth through twelfth grade. I understand the drastic difference between public school and Christian school. My heart will always be for an education that is centered on Jesus Christ combined with high academics. I look forward to partnering with you to give your student the tools needed for the rest of life."
Mrs. Flanigan graduated from Holy Family University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education and currently holds a New Jersey State Teacher Certification. After graduating, she began teaching first grade in the current CCSJ building when it was St. Matthew Regional School. The school closed in 2007 and Mrs. Flanigan became a classroom aide for two years. In 2009, she left the teaching profession in order to care for her newborn twins and three-year-old son. Now, years later, CCSJ is Mrs. Flanigan's home church and a school once again.
Juan Mojica (Bible, Spanish)
Suzanne Sweeney (Music)
Irma Pressley (Theater)
Board of Trustees
Grace Christian Academy is overseen by a Board of Trustees. The current Board consists entirely of members who served on the development committee and are legally named as trustees for Grace Christian Academy. Overtime, the board will transition to individuals who have a vested interest in Grace Christian Academy (i.e., parents, grandparents, former teachers). The Board of Trustees’ primary duties include:
Preserving and supporting the school’s mission, founding principles, and statement of faith
Establishing and evaluating the Board, school governance, and management policies (i.e., handbook, general institutional policies)
Strategically planning for the school’s future development
Hiring, equipping, evaluating and supporting the head of school/director/principal in carrying out the mission of GCA
Hiring, equipping, evaluating and supporting the business administrator who oversees the day to day needs of payroll and tuition
Managing the business, budgetary, and legal obligations
Assessing all teacher and curriculum decisions made by the head of school/director/principal
A complete manual providing details related to member qualifications and duties is available upon request.
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