Rhetoric (9-12th)
High school students enter into the rhetoric stage of classical education.
Students at this stage practice using their knowledge and the rules of logic to write and speak elegantly and persuasively. Further, the GCA HS program is built to allow students to delve deeply into subject matter and see that subjects are connected. As such, the humanities course allows for history, literature, composition, and Bible to overlap and blend together. At the end of the year students will have earned a credit each for history, Bible, and English (literature and composition).
Course Offerings for 2020-2021
Below is a list of course offerings for students at the high school level.
Please note, that the HS course offerings will rotate so that the NJ state requirements are offered at least once every four year. On many occasions, the courses will be offered twice every 4 years.
Courses meeting 3 days per week (with 2 days of at-home work)
Biology 1, Advanced Biology, Chemistry, or Physics (M,W, Th)
Algebra 1 or Geometry (M, W, Th)*
Jacob's Geometry
Jacob's Algebra I
Courses meeting 2 days per week (with 2 days worth of at-home work)
History (M, W)*
Composition (M,W)*
Electives (M,W)
Courses meeting 1 day per week (with 1-2 days worth of at-home work)
Rhetoric / Thesis (M)
Students will learn to express their views orally and through written work. Thesis topics will vary by grade level.
Students who have not taken logic may need/want to take a logic course before taking rhetoric.
Latin (W)
Literature (Th)*
Bible (Th)
Art (Th)
Elective Choice Theater or Tech/ Engineering (Th)
*Please note, mathematics, writing, and literature courses may assign weekend homework